Presidential Nominee: Helen Binkley


Brief Biography:

BOC credentialed since 1988, I have a variety of athletic training clinical experiences at Division I, II, and III colleges (private/public settings) within 4 different NATA districts (2, 3, 7, & 9).  Since obtaining my PhD in1996, I have been involved in the education of athletic trainers, becoming a program director in 2002, and at Middle Tennessee State University since 2004.  I have served TATS as the Co-chair of the Secondary Committee, Co-chair for the Education and Professionalism Committee, as well as TN representative to SEATA Research and Education Committee.   I have volunteered for the Athletic Training Board for Tennessee, currently as the Chair. In addition, I received awards within athletic training: TATS and SEATA Educator Awards, NATA Service Award, and Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Award.


My vision for TATS is to become the best state athletic training organization by providing a comprehensive practice act, educational professional development, and promoting members to maintain high quality care and professionalism.


I have several goals including, but not limited to:

  • Revision and update of the TN Athletic Training Practice Act, including:

    • Obtaining grants and funding to help with lobbying and legislative activities.

    • Matching the Practice Act with the CAATE Educational Standards and BOC Domains of Practice.

    • Educating the membership of the changes and impact of those changes.

  • Advance professional development through increased educational and specialty certifications, addressing current and developing issues/content, and developing mentorship opportunities.

  • Expand opportunities for engagement and communication using various connection tools including social media and increasing student memberships and involvement.

  • Advocacy of the profession by building and maintaining relationships with TSSAA and other governing bodies to have current medical standards and on-going communication between organizations; encouraging diversity, equity, and inclusion; and promoting athletic training in a unified voice to a variety of professional settings.