TATS Provides Assistance To Louisiana Flood Victims

The TATS Executive Board has unanimously decided to provide assistance to athletic trainers who were affected by the recent flooding in Louisiana.  This assistance is being provided in conjunction with SEATA as part of an initiative to "adopt" specific athletic trainers throughout Louisiana and ensure that both their personal and professional needs are able to be met.  This adoption program has evaluated the needs of these ATs and created a two-tier system to meet both personal and professional.  

  • Tier 1 ATs are those that have suffered significant personal AND professional losses.  These ATs will be provided a minimum of $1000 from state organizations.
  • Tier 2 ATs are those that have suffered either personal OR professional losses and those losses are not quite as significant.  These ATs will be provided a minimum of $500 from state organizations. 

TATS will be providing $1000 to Mike Rodrigues and $500 to Randy Gonzalez as part of the adoption program.  You can read more about Mike's story here and Randy's story here.

Also, there are additional opportunities for TATS Members to reach out to these and other ATs in need.  We would encourage members to visit the LATA's GoFundMe page and contribute to provide additional funds for those in need.  There may be some additional opportunities to get involved with sending physical items in the near future, so stay tuned for more details.

UPDATE: (10/11/2016) The GoFundMe organized by the LATA is now closed, but you can reach out to the LATA Leadership if you still have an interest in providing aid to these flooding victims.