COVID-19 Statement

Dear Members,

We hope this message finds you safe and healthy. Tennessee has had a rough March, starting with the tornadoes that impacted Middle Tennessee and now having to work through the very fluid and ever-changing updates regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. The amount of support and togetherness that has been cultivated during these trying times has been truly amazing to see. 

We have compiled some resources for our members to be able to reference. 


NATA Statements Regarding COVID-19 Pandemic:

 "If you are an AT who finds you are temporarily separated from your daily duties and patient populations in settings such as secondary school or collegiate, please consider reaching out to your local and regional health care entities about your capabilities and availability as a health care provider." 





Information as it relates to TSSAA/Secondary Schools:

"TSSAA does not regulate the scheduling of regular season games or practices. However, consistent with the Governor's statement, and in the interest of the health and safety of competitors, coaches, officials, and spectators, we urge every member school - both public and independent - to follow the Governor's recommendations and suspend interscholastic athletics through March 31, 2020. This suspension should include games, scrimmages, practices, and organized workouts or conditioning."




As many of you know, the NCAA has already canceled the basketball tournament as well as all spring athletics and their post-season tournaments. NCAA has referred it's members to the CDC website for recommendations on COVID-19. 

 Information as it relates to NCAA/Collegiate Athletics:




Please remember to stay safe and follow the recommendations and guidelines as outlined by the CDC ( As healthcare providers it is our responsibility to lead by example when it comes promoting health and safety. We, as an association, have no bearing on the decisions being made by athletic directors with regard to in or out of season athletics other than to offer suggestions based on CDC and Department of Health recommendations so please stay in contact with your employers and we will continue to send updates as they are released. 

Stay safe and healthy,

TATS Leadership